Counting Down 2019 Out Now!

The 2019 Second Edition of Counting Down: An End of the World Love Story is available now! It's got a new cover, has been edited for clarity (typos, etc.), and has two, never seen before lost chapters. Check the very back for a sneak peak of Book 2 in the Eternal World Series: Counting Shadows before its release in Winter 2020.

A note from Lilah:

When I wrote Counting Down in 2009, I was convinced it wasn't even the slightest bit entertaining. After a few years of hemming and hawing, and getting a lot of support from friends and family, I decided to self publish it on Amazon. In the last seven years, it's had more that 40 reviews with an average rating of 4 stars. Thousands of people have read about Kyle and Abby and the colorful cast of characters that surround them. I couldn't thank you all enough! And I must apologize for taking my sweet time to write anything new. The wait is over now. There's so much more to come!
© 2019 Mona & Blackbird Books